Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net




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Sure, laying waste to your enemies can by very entertaining, but as with any war there must be a reason for entering into battle:

Adam Sample image.

Objective: Capture Adam

Target: Adam Sample

Area: Tokyo-3 Inner Western Region
ID: 373, Coordinate: [0,10]

Carrier: None, Faction: n/a

Effect: Enhance characteristics and bolster faction

Adam is the 1st Angel, and is the embodiment of life. When humanity tried to shackle Adam at the turn of the millennium the Angel retaliated releasing its devastating power across the planet. Adam promptly vanished and the horrific event was dubbed the 'second impact'. The loss of life was, and still is, incalculable.

Despite Adam's disappearance, a small fragment of the Angel remained and was promptly recovered by the remains of the Katsuragi research expedition at Antarctica during the disaster.

Whoever possesses the Adam Sample is gifted with a tiny fraction of Adam's full power. As such the carrier receives an 80 point increase to their maximum life points allowance. In addition to this, every single unit in the same faction as the carrier receives a 10 point increase to their maximum life points allowance.

Tip: Immobilising its carrier will cause the Adam Sample to be dropped.

Ethereal Portal image.

Objective: Dimensional Shift

Target: Ethereal Portals

Location: 1 per non-secured area

Effect: Surprise attack, fast travel and save haven

Angels strike without warning, and they do so by travelling the void more commonly referred to as The Ethereal Plane. Where this dimension exists is unknown. It is theorised that The Ethereal Plane is in fact an inverted ultra thin AT Field containing an alternate dimension - not unlike the weapons brought to bear by Leliel.

Tears and other inconsistencies in The Ethereal Plane are visible in the real world and manifest themselves as an iridescent glow - these are known as Ethereal Portals. It is at these portals that an Angel can, through great effort, gain access to The Ethereal Plane. As such traversing an area exit situated at an Ethereal Portal requires an additional 20 action points.

The Ethereal Plane is only accessible to Angel units. In addition, the alternate dimension acts as a hub for each and every Ethereal Portal meaning that travel between portals is incredibly fast.

Note: The Adam Sample can't be taken into The Ethereal Plane. Passing through to The Ethereal Plane requires immense concentration which can not be amassed in the presence of the raw energies of the Adam Sample.

Tip: The Ethereal Plane provides an ideal safe haven for regrouping, and subsequently regenerating, an entire squad.

Hill image.

Objective: Kings Of The Hill

Target: Hill

Area: Lake Ashi South
ID: 722, Coordinate: [23,-9]

Effect: Flaunt show of strength and random item drops

Status:No mans land!

Total domination is the nature of the game here since 'Kings Of The Hill' is all about flaunting your faction's strength in the face of the enemy and being rewarded in the process.

A hill is generated every 3 days at a random location within Tokyo-3's countryside (replacing the previous hill). Units at the hill's location will be able to consolidate their position on the hill thus receiving randomly automatically generated adrenaline ampoules and counting towards their faction's show of strength. Adrenaline Ampoules will be dropped straight into a unit's inventory for use at any time.

Units consolidated on the hill will fall out of consolidation once immobilised thus loosing the benefits above, however, they will still retain any adrenaline ampoules already acquired.

Tip: Avoid committing too many of your squad's units into the fray, at any one time, else you may fall victim to blast weapons such as N2 Mines. Instead, hang back a few units to which you can hand-off your adrenaline ampoules.

Man Hunt image.

Objective: Man Hunt



Effect: Enhance characteristics and gain rankings

An enemy scout has acquired tactical information regarding your faction's movements and current deployment. You must immobilise them before they pass on this information!

During a 'Man Hunt' a target is selected and their location displayed above. Once the target is immobilised a new target is randomly selected from an alternative faction. Successful hunters receive a 10% weapon accuracy bonus until the next prey is immobilised, whilst active prey receive an adrenaline boost which reduces their action points regeneration time interval by 8 minutes. Would be hunters can also rise the ranks of the 'Man Hunt' leader board by immobilising their prey with ranged attacks.

Tip: Pray to the AT gods that you're not the current prey! Alternatively, the 'Prolonged Life' objective may help...for a few seconds.

Power Station image. Positron Gun Turret image.

Objective: Man The Guns!

Target: Power Station + Positron Gun Turrets

Location: The Geo Front + entrances to NERV's base

Effect: Enhance base defences

NERV must prevent an uncontrolled Third Impact, see the Objectives - Third Impact section, from occurring at all costs! As such NERV have erected Positron Gun Turrets at the entrances to their third branch base of operations. These turrets must be both powered and maintained in order to provide heavy long range fire support.

Provided the Power Station in The Geo Front is in an operational state, i.e. non-ruined, it will supply sufficient power to all of the below Positron Gun Turrets. Any NERV or SEELE unit subsequently consolidated behind a Positron Gun Turret in an operational state, i.e. non-ruined, and supplied with power will gain access to a new weapon; the Positron Cannon.

  • Power Station: 92% operational
    (The Geo Front)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 100% operational
    (Ashigarashimo Springs)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 100% operational
    (Tokyo-3 Inner Eastern Region)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 100% operational
    (Lake Ashi South)
  • Positron Gun Turret:

    (Tokyo-3 City Centre)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 95% operational
    (Tokyo-3 Inner Northern Region)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 100% operational
    (Mount Hakone)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 53% operational
    (Lake Ashi North)
  • Positron Gun Turret: 95% operational
    (Tokyo-3 Inner Western Region)

Tip: Units using Positron Cannons for either Overwatch or Overguard are advised to hold their ground should the supply of power fail. Once power is re-established said units will automatically resume their pattern of fire using the Positron Cannons - provided they're still alive of course!

Maintenance Depot image.

Objective: Prolonged Life

Target: Maintenance Depots

Location: Predominantly in and around the city centre

Effect: Repair random number of life points (between 1 and 10)
and cure infections

There are several maintenance facilities located in and around Tokyo-3 which are capable of carrying out repairs to both NERV and SEELE units as a means of front line support. They will also rid units of any infections. These depots can only render service provided they themselves are in an operational state i.e. non-ruined.

Tip: Treat these objectives as forward positions from which to launch your attacks. Note that they require constant defence from the enemy!

Shrine image. Shinto Gate image.

Target: Shrines + Shinto Gates

Location: Scattered across the countryside

Effect: Heal random number of life points (between 1 and 10)
and cure infections

If you take the time to look you may notice places of worship scattered across the countryside which are often situated in areas designed to aid one's mental energy. Angel units may meditate at these locations, which number few, thus assisting their regeneration. They will also rid units of any infections.

Tip: Treat these objectives as forward positions from which to launch your attacks. Places of worship are immune to weapons fire. The structures themselves are purely symbolic - it's the locations which are special.

Radio Transmitter image. Ship Transmitter image.

Objective: Static Interference

Target: Radio Transmitters + Ship Transmitters

Location: 1 or 2 per area

Effect: Bolster communications

Whilst Angels are capable of forms of telepathic communication, NERV and SEELE require radio technology for communications instead. Given that the progression of technology is often faster than evolution, this puts NERV and SEELE in a rather fortunate position.

Any NERV or SEELE unit at a location with a non-ruined Transmitter will have their broadcast transmissions increased so that coverage is extended to the whole of the area in which they're broadcasting from.

Destroying these Transmitters will level the playing field.

Tip: Consolidation behind a transmitter is ill advised since the structure will be caught in the cross-fire.

Gate image. Blast Door image. Reinforced Blast Door image. Lilith image.

Objective: Third Impact

Target: Obstacles + Lilith

Location: Deep within NERV's third branch

Effect: Cripple NERV and SEELE

Lilith is the 2nd Angel, and is the mother of all Lilum; her bastard children i.e. humanity (the 18th Angel). NERV have secured Lilith deep within the depths of their third branch base of operations within Tokyo-3's subterranean Geo Front which is actually Lilith's Dark Moon i.e. the vessel in which she arrived on Earth.

Should Adam and Lilith be brought into contact with one another an event known as Third Impact will occur as a result of their union. SEELE, and its right arm; NERV, were founded to control such an event and thus manipulate it to their liking i.e. the evolution of humanity. This goal is only achievable with the destruction of the remaining Angels and as such NERV have taken great steps to secure Lilith's whereabouts until such a time as all the Angels, save for Adam and Lilith, are defeated. Until such time Lilith must be guarded at all costs from the Angels.

To aid them in their defence, NERV have erected numerous obstacles which restrict access to the Geo Front and their third branch base of operations. These obstacles must be smashed aside so that the Angels can reach Lilith. These obstacles may also be repaired by NERV.

Any Angel unit that manages to bring the Adam Sample, see the Objectives - Capture Adam section, to Lilith's exact location will cause severe damage to the human race including NERV and SEELE!

Note: This objective is currently in development and will not go fully live for quite some time. Currently we are building the Cage which is NERV's EVA series launch hanger which resides below the Geo Front. The Cage and the Geo Front are the top two tiers of NERV's third branch base of operations.

Tree Of Knowledge image.

Objective: Tree Of Knowledge

Target: The 10 Qliphoth

Location: Only limited information available (see below)

Effect: Enhance characteristics

The tree of knowledge exists in complete opposition to the tree of life, it provides an understanding of the deconstruction process of both the universe and life itself. It therefore provides a path to the beginning of all things.

10 qliphoth interconnected via 22 paths form the tree of knowledge as a whole, and it is the qliphoth which represent successive divine emanations that invoke destructive de-evolution. The qliphoth are not things but instead are states. Obtain these states, all 10 if you fancy yourself an anti-god, and lay waste to your opponents with new found abilities.

The 10 qliphoth are as follows:

  • Qliphot: Thamiel, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Sathariel, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Chaigidel, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Gamchicoth, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Golachab, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Thagirion, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Harab Serapel, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Samael, Faction: n/a
  • Qliphot: Gamaliel, Faction: n/a
  • The remaining qliphoth are yet to be developed. Watch this space...

Note: Enlightened units don't cower in safe houses, they flaunt their divine emanations on the open battle field instead. Units in possession of one, or more, of the qliphoth may not enter any safe house.

Tip: Immobilising a unit already enlightened by one or more of these states will allow the enlightenment to be passed on.

Tree Of Life image.

Objective: Tree Of Life

Target: The 10 Sephiroth

Location: Only limited information available (see below)

Effect: Enhance characteristics

The tree of life is a road map of sorts to understanding the creation process of both the universe and life itself. It therefore provides a path to evolution and ultimately immortality as well.

10 sephiroth interconnected via 22 paths form the tree of life as a whole, and it is the sephiroth which represent successive divine emanations that constitute creative evolution. The sephiroth are not things but instead are states. Obtain these states, all 10 if you fancy yourself a god, and lay waste to your opponents with new found abilities.

The 10 sephiroth are as follows:

  • Sephirot: Kether, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Chokmah, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Binah, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Chesed, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Geburah, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Tiphareth, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Netzach, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Hod, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Yesod, Faction: n/a
  • Sephirot: Malkuth, Faction: n/a

Note: Enlightened units don't cower in safe houses, they flaunt their divine emanations on the open battle field instead. Units in possession of one, or more, of the Sephiroth may not enter any safe house.

Tip: Immobilising a unit already enlightened by one or more of these states will allow the enlightenment to be passed on.

Armament Building image. Weapons Cache image.

Objective: 'Eavy Weapons

Target: Armament Buildings + Weapons Caches

Location: Predominantly around city centre and key facilities

Effect: Yield exotic support items

Tokyo-3 was built not only as a fortress to stand against the Angels and to protect its inhabitants, but also as a support mechanism for the EVA series. As such there are many false buildings located in and around Tokyo-3 which contain concealed weapons available to both NERV and SEELE units as a means of heavy support.

In addition to these armament buildings, the UN (largely under SEELE control) has erected several key facilities across Tokyo-3 most of which contain emergency weapons caches.

Taking a bit of time out to scan a non-ruined armament building and/or weapons cache could yield one of the following items:

  • Item: Air Strike, Unwieldy: No
  • Item: CN-20 Canister, Unwieldy: Yes
  • Item: Mine Drop, Unwieldy: No
  • Item: N2 Mine, Unwieldy: Yes
  • Item: Napalm-B Drop, Unwieldy: No
  • Item: Pulse Grenade, Unwieldy: No

Tip: Although Angels aren't interested in wasting time scanning buildings, immobilising an opponent carrying unwieldy items will cause said items to be dropped. Finders keepers.

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15/08/2014 - Game Update: It is with great sadness that, after developing and hosting Absolute Terror for over 7 years, I am now forced to archive this venerable beast to a com...continue reading.

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Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net

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Absolute Terror game engine, concept and design copyright Guide To...
Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) character images and references copyright GAINAX.
Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net