Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net




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Should you ultimately choose to sign up for an account then you must appreciate and accept the following terms and conditions:

1) Guide To... can not be held responsible for any loss of data submitted to Absolute Terror. Simple backup procedures are in place and every effort is made to ensure data integrity, however, you must appreciate that funding for robust disaster recovery strategies is not available.

2) Guide To... can not be held responsible for any misuse, indecent or otherwise, of any part of Absolute Terror's functionality. Users, brought to the attention of Guide To..., that persistently offend other users, and/or abuse Absolute Terror, will have their account disabled without prior warning.

3) Guide To... is under no obligation to provide a service free from downtime. Every effort is made to ensure that Absolute Terror runs quickly and reliably, however, you must appreciate that this is a free service. Ultimately, you get what you are given.

4) Absolute Terror is an ongoing project. Functionality will no doubt be improved over time and new functionality added. Guide To... is under no obligation to warn Absolute Terror users of any such changes.

5) Absolute Terror is open to suggestions for new functionality and improvements. Please post all suggestions on the Absolute Terror Message Board.

6) Guide To... understand that any data submitted to Absolute Terror may not be used for any malicious act.

7) Guide To... can not be held responsible for breach of Absolute Terror's security. A lot of effort has been, and continues to be, put into Absolute Terror's security. It is the responsibility of Absolute Terror's users to ensure that their login details are not divulged.

8) Guide To... reserves the right to amend this agreement at any time without notification to users.


Absolute Terror team.


user - Person utilising any part of Absolute Terror’s functionality.


Persons signing up for their own accounts must appreciate that Absolute Terror remains the property of Guide To... at all times. In addition said persons must also abide by Absolute Terror's Code Of Honour.

Guide To... is in no way affiliated with GAINAX. Neon Genesis Evangelion remains the property of GAINAX and is copyright GAINAX. Absolute Terror is purely the original work of a few dedicated fans borrowing only character images and references from Neon Genesis Evangelion.
We are only looking to promote a brilliant piece of Anime - not to profit from it. Should Absolute Terror be deemed in breach of copyright by GAINAX then it will immediately be shut down and reworked for re-release under a new guise unrelated to Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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Latest News (snippet):

15/08/2014 - Game Update: It is with great sadness that, after developing and hosting Absolute Terror for over 7 years, I am now forced to archive this venerable beast to a com...continue reading.

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Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net

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Absolute Terror is a division of Guide To...
Absolute Terror game engine, concept and design copyright Guide To...
Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) character images and references copyright GAINAX.
Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net