Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net




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There are various weird and wonderful items to be had which are strewn around Tokyo-3 and its surrounding suburbs. Some confer various bonuses to their carrier where as others wreak massive carnage amongst friend and/or foe alike.

Racist items only affect units of a different faction that are within range.

Indiscriminate items affect all units within range. Such items can freely be utilised unless their nature is that of a weapon and they're being used in one of your own faction's safe houses; in such circumstances friendly fire may prevent item utilisation - this is dependant on acceptable losses. Provided 40% of the units potentially affected by the item's blast radius are of a different faction then losses are deemed acceptable.

Blast items have an area affect. They can affect either 1, 7 or even 19 hexagons depending on their blast radius e.g. a blast 2 weapon will affect 7 hexagons in total.

Collateral damage items affect objects, as well as units, within range!

Adrenaline Ampoule image.

Item: Adrenaline Ampoule

Nature: Enhancement

Scan: Infrequent (15% chance to automatically acquire)

These stimulants are capable of pushing units to the limit of their potential during times of great need. They are automatically generated for those units brave enough to endure the 'Kings Of The Hill' objective thus aiding them in their fight.

Adrenaline Ampoules confer a +20 action point increase, when used, to a unit's remaining action points, though not exceeding the unit's upper action points limit.

Tip: Save up your adrenaline ampoules for use in objectives. Alternatively, use them in a sustained assault on the enemy.

Air Strike image.

Item: Air Strike

Nature: Weapon (racist, blast 1)

Scan: Infrequent (10% chance to find)

Initiate one of these to call in a tactical precision air strike capable of causing reasonable damage to all enemy units at a specific hexagon within sight.

These precision strikes boast an 80% accuracy and are capable of inflicting 25 life points worth of damage if you're unlucky enough to be rained down upon by these airbourne stalkers.

As for the initiator...well, they get off completely scott free. These are precision strikes after all.

Tip: Handy at softening up powerful enemy units set on overwatch prior to a sustained assault.

CN-20 Canister image.

Item: CN-20 Canister

Nature: Weapon (indiscriminate, blast 2)

Scan: Infrequent (15% chance to find)

Detonate one of these and you and your surrounding neighbours will be choking to death in a cloud of nerve gas. These canisters are capable of infecting mass numbers and are indiscriminate in their choice of target.

These weapons of terror boast a 90% accuracy and have a 70% infection rate if you're unlucky enough to be caught by the epicentre of their blast radius. If you're caught by the fringe of their blast radius then a mere 35% infection rate will be headed your way. Either way, you're likely to be walking dead unless you find a cure for the infection in good time.

As for the detonator...well, infection is guaranteed. Time to call a doctor.

Tip: A worthy option if you're looking to flush out the enemy.

Instant Curry Ramen image.

Item: Instant Curry Ramen

Nature: Random!

Purchase: Only available on the Black Market

During the chaos of the Angel invasion, some of Tokyo-3's lesser moral individuals took advantage of the city's plight and began looting everything and anything. Unfortunately Misato's flat was cleaned out by one such individual. This crazy assed fool even looted and sold the contents of her fridge and thus her infamous Instant Curry Ramen ended up on Tokyo-3's Black Market.

Misato's Instant Curry Ramen is so volatile that the effects of consuming it can be lethal! If you're lucky then you will receive a massive adrenaline rush. Those more unfortunate, however, will potentially trigger an inferno holocaust or worse still...thermonuclear meltdown!

Put simply; the Instant Curry Ramen isn't for kids!

Tip: None whatsoever - use at your own peril!

Iridium shard image.

Item: Iridium Shard

Nature: Currency / Enhancement

Reward: Completion of tasks

Iridium can form a number of organometallic compounds used in catalysis and in research thus making it extremely valuable to both humans and Angels.

Angels are able to assimilate Iridium thus temporarily enhancing their physiology. Humans on the other hand are, for the most part, more interested in its street market value which is at an all time high having been furiously peddeled by those blue chip research analysts willing to duck the red tape to get their hands on it.

Tip: Iridium can be traded with some of Tokyo-3's more shadier individuals, with supply routes, for interesting items!

Mine Drop image.

Item: Mine Drop

Nature: Weapon (indiscriminate, collateral damage, blast 3)

Scan: Rare (3% chance to find)

Initiate one of these and watch the death descend from above. Initiating a mine drop will call in an air strike capable of causing moderate, yet indiscriminate, damage to all those visible in the area.

These mass ordnance drops boast a 70% accuracy and are capable of inflicting 45 life points worth of damage if you're unlucky enough to be bombarded by these non-nuclear mines.

As for the initiator...well, they get off completely scott free as they take cover prior to the incoming barrage.

Tip: Extremely useful in softening up an area dominated by enemy units prior to a sustained assault. Be sure to coordinate your attack with your allies first!

N2 Mine image.

Item: N2 Mine

Nature: Weapon (indiscriminate, collateral damage, blast 2)

Scan: Rare (4% chance to find)

Detonate one of these and you and your surrounding neighbours are in a world of pain. These non-nuclear war heads are capable of causing massive damage and are indiscriminate in their choice of target.

These dooms day devices boast a 90% accuracy and are capable of inflicting 90 life points worth of damage if you're unlucky enough to be caught by the epicentre of their blast radius. If you're caught by the fringe of their blast radius then a mere 30 life points worth of damage will be headed your way. Either way, you're likely to be eating dirt for a while.

As for the detonator...well, immobilisation is pretty much instantaneous.

Tip: A worthy option for taking down base defences or if you're low on life points and in a tight spot.

Napalm-B Drop image.

Item: Napalm-B Drop

Nature: Weapon (indiscriminate, collateral damage, blast 3)

Scan: Rare (3% chance to find)

Rain one of these over the landscape and you'll turn it into a modern day Hades. Initiating a napalm-b drop will call in an air strike capable of causing horrific conflagration damage to all those visible in the area.

These wide spread fire starters boast a 70% accuracy along with an evil 65% conflagration rate and are capable of inflicting 5 life points worth of damage if you're unlucky enough to be engulfed by these liquid infernos.

As for the initiator...well, they get off completely scott free as they take cover prior to the incoming barrage.

Tip: Extremely useful in causing chaos across an area dominated by enemy units. Be sure to coordinate your attack with your allies first else they too will be running for the nearest water source!

Pulse Grenade image.

Item: Pulse Grenade

Nature: Weapon (indiscriminate, blast 1)

Scan: Frequent (20% chance to find)

Detonate one of these and your immediate neighbours will be immobilised either by an electro magnetic pulse (EMP) or by a brilliant blinding pulsing white light. These grenades are capable of stunning mass numbers, whether mechanical or biological, and are indiscriminate in their choice of target. Who needs a Tazer when you've got the ultimate flash bang.

These weapons confer a 40% accuracy and have a 75% stun rate if you're unlucky enough to be hit by their pulse.

Tip: Handy if you need a bit of extra grunt in a fire fight.

Qliphot image.

Item: Qliphot

Nature: Enhancement

Find: Unique (1 of each qliphoth in existence)

The qliphoth are not things but instead are states. These states exist in opposition to those of the sephiroth. Where the sephiroth bring balance, the qliphoth bring imbalance. Obtain these states, all 10 if you fancy yourself an anti-god, and lay waste to your opponents with the following abilities:

Qliphot Ability
Thamiel Increases carrier's evasion by 10%.
Chaigidel Reduces carrier's movement action points requirement by 1 point, down to a minimum of 1.
Sathariel Increases carrier's infiltration by 15%.
Gamchicoth Reduces carrier's ready defensive or ranged weapon action points requirement by 1 point, down to a minimum of 1.
Golachab Imbues the carrier's ranged weapons with 10% conflagration damage.
Thagirion Increases carrier's weapon damage by 5 points.
Harab Serapel Increases carrier's weapon stun damage by 5%.
Samael Reduces carrier's action points regeneration time interval by 6 minutes.
Gamaliel Reduces carrier's life points regeneration time interval by 6 minutes.
Nehemoth TBC: This qliphot is currently in development.

Tip: Obtain all 10 qliphoth to become a living anti-god and smash your opponents into oblivion. Note, however, that units enlightened by both the qliphoth and sephiroth simultaneously are unable to regenerate due to the immense focus required to tame such opposing forces.

Sephirot image.

Item: Sephirot

Nature: Enhancement

Find: Unique (1 of each sephirot in existence)

The sephiroth are not things but instead are states. Obtain these states, all 10 if you fancy yourself a god, and lay waste to your opponents with the following abilities:

Sephirot Ability
Kether Increases carrier's maximum action points allowance by 30 points.
Chokmah Reduces carrier's weapon usage action points requirement by 1 point, down to a minimum of 1
Binah Increases carrier's weapon defence by 1 point.
Chesed Increases carrier's weapon accuracy by 5%.
Geburah Increases carrier's weapon damage by 3 points.
Tiphareth Increases carrier's maximum life points allowance by 40 points.
Netzach Increases carrier's maximum action points allowance by 10 points.
Hod Increases carrier's life points regeneration rate by 5%.
Yesod Reduces carrier's action points regeneration time interval by 12 minutes.
Malkuth Reduces carrier's life points regeneration time interval by 12 minutes.

Tip: Obtain all 10 sephiroth to become a living god and smash your opponents into oblivion. Note, however, that units enlightened by both the sephiroth and qliphoth simultaneously are unable to regenerate due to the immense focus required to tame such opposing forces.

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15/08/2014 - Game Update: It is with great sadness that, after developing and hosting Absolute Terror for over 7 years, I am now forced to archive this venerable beast to a com...continue reading.

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Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net

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Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) character images and references copyright GAINAX.
Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net