Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net




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Art Of Fighting

If you're going to go toe to toe with the big boys, or gals, then you need to know the art of fighting.

Automated Attack Formations (AAF)


is available to certain units only.

This ability allows a unit to guard a hexagon, within range, such that any enemy units passing through the guarded hexagon are fired upon automatically. Since guarding units will only fire once per enemy unit entering the hexagon in question, Overguard only shows its true defensive potential when used to defend area exits and/or narrow passes in conjunction with other units be they your own or those of a trusted ally.
Overguard attacks are limited to a maximum of 8 separate attacks i.e. a maximum of 8 units can defend any one hexagon. Excess units set on Overguard will simply not fire, however, they will be primed for action should their comrades fall in battle.
Those units with long range artillery set to Overguard will launch first, short ranged weapons will fire second before giving way to melee combat strikes. Units attack in order of decreasing unit experience at each range i.e. those more experienced spearhead the defensive campaign.
This ability works whilst logged in and logged out!!

is available to all units.

This ability allows a unit to retaliate against would be attackers. In some circumstances this can be more effective than setting your unit to a defensive stance and then counter striking when next logged in. Overwatch represents units keeping a watchful eye over the entire visible battle field.
If cover is at a premium, or you simply don't do cover, then Overwatch is a good enemy deterrent.
This ability works whilst logged in and logged out!!

Squad Orders

Take Cover

is available to all squad units.

When issued, this order will force those units in your squad capable of consolidating to do so - provided there are non-ruined objects in the local vicinity behind which to consolidate. In addition, those units in your squad with a defensive weapon, e.g. 'AT Field', will be forced to ready said weapon.
Given a choice, units will ready their best defensive weapon.

Maintain Vigilance
is available to all squad units.

When issued, this order will force all units in your squad to set their best offensive weapon on Overwatch.
Given a choice, units will ready their best offensive weapon chosen in decreasing range, followed by decreasing damage, and then increasing action point usage, order. Overwatch thresholds will be set to 100%.

Unit Abilities

is available to certain units only.

Units with this ability always receive a percentage chance to evade any, and all, attacks thus avoiding them completely!
Units with this particular ability are typically capable of phasing in and out of reality or possess lightning speed and/or agility.

is available to certain units only.

Units with this ability always receive a +30% bonus to their consolidation defense success rate since they are more adept at making use of cover.
In addition, units with this ability also have a percentage chance to remain hidden from the eyes of the enemy as they maximise use of any available cover and/or skulk around in the shadows of the war torn surroundings.
A unit with 40% infiltration, for example, stands a 40% chance of not registering on the enemy's HUD. So as the enemy stalks the battlefield they may catch a glimpse of infiltrating units as they fade in and out of sight...then again, they may not see them at all!
In real-time battles this particular ability can prove extremely confusing for the enemy as they chase shadows struggling to pin point their target.

is available to most units.

A unit may only shield one other unit at any given time, in addition, this is only possible provided the unit being shielded is mobile, at the same location, smaller in size and within the same faction. Units can not be shielded by multiple units simultaneously.
Units that are shielded can not be attacked by either ranged or melee weapons, however, they are still vulnerable to blast weapons!

is available to certain units only.

Draggable units, friendly or otherwise, may be towed by units capable of hauling. This ability allows units to be either pulled to safety or dumped straight in the line of fire thus clearing defensive perimeters.
Towing units around is hard work and so costs the hauler additional movement action points whilst towing.

Weapon Traits

Berserker Rage
is available to certain units only.

Interestingly, Berserker Rage is only available once a unit's Terror reaches 80%. Terror increases with each successive hit, however, it also decreases with each successive miss and when moving - so effectively when a unit looses momentum i.e. becomes less terrifying in the eyes of the enemy.
Each increase confers a +1% bonus to weapon accuracy as the enemy becomes paralysed with fear.


is available to certain weapons only.

Conflagrate weapons which hit have a chance to conflagrate their target in addition to inflicting the physical damage specified on their profile.
Conflagrated units are unable to regenerate life points, instead they loose between 1 and 3 life points per regeneration cycle - typically every 24 minutes. Conflagrated units continuously loose life points until they are burnt to a cinder and thus rendered immobilised.
Conflagrations can be extinguished by walking through water and are also exhausted when immobilised.
Conflagrate attacks only apply to certain weapons which are invariably heat based attack weapons such as flame throwers, incendiary rounds etc...


is available to certain weapons only.

Infect weapons which hit have a chance to infect their target in addition to inflicting the physical damage specified on their profile.
Infected units are unable to regenerate life points, instead they loose 1 life point per regeneration cycle - typically every 24 minutes. Infected units continuously loose life points down to a minimum of 1 life point - an infection will not itself immobilise a unit. Infections only cripple units...they do not immobilise them.
Infections can be cured by repairing / healing, see the Objectives - Prolonged Life section, and are also rid of when immobilised.
Infect attacks only apply to certain weapons which are invariably toxic and contamination attack weapons such as tainted blades, poison gas, Angels merging with their prey etc...


is available to certain weapons only.

Stun weapons which hit have a chance to instantly immobilise their target, however, they only inflict the physical damage specified on their profile.
Stunned units are simply immobilised - they are not automatically reduced to zero life points!
Stun attacks only apply to certain weapons which are invariably blunt attack weapons such as charges, throws, smashes etc...

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15/08/2014 - Game Update: It is with great sadness that, after developing and hosting Absolute Terror for over 7 years, I am now forced to archive this venerable beast to a com...continue reading.

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Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net

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Absolute Terror is a division of Guide To...
Absolute Terror game engine, concept and design copyright Guide To...
Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) character images and references copyright GAINAX.
Absolute Terror: Free to play Neon Genesis Evangelion (NGE) MMORPG / MMORTS at http://www.absoluteterror.net